Parc de Branféré

Company Overview

  • Founded Date January 6, 1965
  • Posted Jobs 2
  • Categories Birds , Carnivores , Domestics , Farm , General Keeper , Hoofstock , Primates

Company Description

Nestled in the picturesque Brittany region of France, Parc de Branféré offers a unique opportunity for animal caretakers to immerse themselves in a vibrant ecosystem. This expansive park is the home for a wide range of species including hoofstocks (indian rhino, giraffes, pygmy hippo …), primates (spider monkey, langur, gibbon …), large birds (cranes, cassowarys …), smaller birds (penguins, ducks, waders) and smaller mammals (like wallaby, patagonian cavy …) . We are focusing on animal welfare, conservation, and environmental education.

Visitors and caretakers alike can explore diverse habitats, especially walk-throught or immersive enclosure where the fences between humans and animals are very discreet. With its commitment to both wildlife preservation and public education, Parc de Branféré is an ideal setting for animal caretakers looking to expand their knowledge, share best practices, and engage in meaningful exchanges.

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